Post Purchase Surveys

Survey responses are a great way to capture additional marketing data, particularly for channels that are traditionally more difficult to track, such as offline marketing events. Rockerbox survey integrations allows you to incorporate user-submitted survey responses to measure those channels' impact on user acquisition.

If you're using survey responses in your customer lifecycle, you can incorporate those responses in Rockerbox. These survey responses can either be collected during the time of order (ex: "How Did You Hear About Us" or "HDYHAU") or after the order (a post-purchase survey).


Same-Day Survey Responses

While the Survey can be conducted before or after the Order is placed, Rockerbox requires a same-day Survey. We do not support Surveys conducted days before or after an Order is placed.

Incorporating survey responses into Rockerbox enables the following capabilities:

  1. Analytics. Compare how your customers responded vs. how they arrived on your site based on other Marketing Events. Review more details of this analysis in the survey overview.
  2. Adding Marketing Events. Add synthetic events to your customers' path to conversion

The setup requirements for the above are:

  • Send survey responses to Rockerbox.
  • Map those responses, and optionally exclude some of them
  • Determine which of those responses, if any, you want to add to your customers' path to conversion


Rockerbox Survey integration is limited to one response per customer. If you have a two-level survey response, such as response 1 = Marketing Channel, response 2 = Partner/Platform (Paid Social > Facebook), Rockerbox will only accept one of those responses. In these cases, we recommend sending to us the more detailed response.


Path to Conversion

Survey touchpoints will always be considered the first in the user path to conversion, to correspond with the "How Did You Hear About Us" question.

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