Tips for Performance Recap Analysis

We want to ensure you are best set up to leverage Rockerbox for monthly, quarterly, and yearly recaps.

To help, please see below guides to cover everything from exec-level summaries to tactical optimizations

Of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Rockerbox alias with any questions.

1. Performance summaries: how to recap performance by channel, vendor, or tactic using Rockerbox as your single source of truth.

2. Comparing Performance across Time Periods : how to measure changes in performance over time. On top of quarter-over-quarter analysis, time-based comparisons will be particularly important if you:

  • Launched a major new product or product line
  • Increased spend significantly during a priority season
  • Made significant changes in your marketing mix (such as launching offline marketing)

3. How to compare performance across walled gardens: how to understand the full impact of a channel for platforms where Rockerbox tracking is limited (ex click only).

4. How to Quantify the Impact of an increase in Branding spend on Demand-driven channels: how to understand the lift of branding channels on your bottom-funnel and how to derive corresponding multipliers to use in forecasting

5. How to normalize performance data: how to standardize pre-Rockerbox performance to resemble de-duplicated, multi-touch performance.