ReCharge Integration

If your business includes subscription purchases, you will need to track both the initial purchase event along with any future recurring purchases that are billed automatically.

Rockerbox's integration with ReCharge automatically pulls in all of this order data with a simple setup.

Enabling the ReCharge Integration for Shopify stores

Great news -- nothing to do! Rockerbox automatically ingests this data via our Shopify integration.

Enabling the ReCharge Integration for non-Shopify stores

  1. In your Rockerbox dashboard, go to Settings > Data Sources

  2. Under Integrations section, click the switch next to ReCharge

  3. You will be directed to the ReCharge website to authorize access to Rockerbox. Confirm access to enable us to pull ReCharge order data.

  4. You will directed back to the Rockerbox dashboard. The ReCharge integration should now be switched on with your account name next to it.

  5. Click the "Set Up Webhook" button to finish the setting up the integration. Once completed, you can click the "View" button to view recent orders that have been pulled from ReCharge.