Site Direct: All Pages Pixel

The Rockerbox All Pages onsite pixel will capture data as your users browse pages on your site. You'll need to ensure that the All Pages pixel fires on every site page. For AJAX sites, the pixel will need to fire for each virtual page load.

Your Tag

Your Rockerbox All Pages tag is available in the in the Rockerbox Attribution platform.

  1. Click Settings in the top navigation bar
  2. Click Pixels
  3. Copy your All Pages pixel text. It will look like the example below.
<!-- Rockerbox - CLIENT NAME --> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 
(function(d,RB) {if (!window.RB) { window.RB=RB;RB.queue=RB.queue||[];RB.track=RB.track||function(){RB.queue.push(};RB.initialize=function(s){RB.source=s};var a = d.createElement("script"); a.type="text/javascript"; a.async=!0; a.src=""; f=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; f.parentNode.insertBefore(a,f);} } )(document,window.RB || {}); 

Your tag contains a few different components that are customized for you. There is an authentication section, like the below, that ensures your data is tracked correctly in the Rockerbox system. Your pixel will have an alphanumeric ID instead of the CLIENT_AUTH_ID placeholder. It's important to ensure that you never modify this ID.


Another important component of your pixel is the event tracking portion, as below. This part of the pixel tells Rockerbox which type of event that the pixel tracks. The example below shows an event type view which is the standard for the Rockerbox All Pages pixel.


Implementing the Tag

Add the All Pages pixel code as close as possible to the opening <head> tag in your webpage's HTML. This ensures that the pixel loads as soon as possible and is able to capture as much information as possible.


FAQ: Will the Rockerbox pixel code slow down my website?

No, not at all! The Rockerbox pixel is an asynchronous JavaScript plugin, so it will not impact the speed of the page load. This is why it's safe for you to add the code to your HTML <head> without affecting your website speed.

If you're working with an AJAX site, ensure that the code fires for every virtual page load. If you are using a site with virtual page loads on a single form/path/workflow and there is no potential for users to jump to a later step in the workflow without first landing on a pixeled page, you do not need to additionally pixel every step of that flow.


Make sure your All Pages pixel is implemented on All Pages! Do not exclude conversion pages from your All Pages pixel triggers.