Google Ads (Auto-Append)

Rockerbox's easiest Google Ads tracking implementation uses the Google Ads API to automatically append a set of Rockerbox parameters to all relevant objects in your Google Ads account. All UTMs and other custom parameters will remain in place.


  1. No ads using the Final URL Suffix field. We recommend moving all ad-level values to the ad set or campaign.
  2. Not using SA360 or any other platform that overwrites the Final URL Suffix field.
  3. Not using the Final URL Suffix field on video campaign types or any ad groups or ads underneath video campaigns.
  4. Not using the Final URL Suffix field on express campaign types or any ad groups or ads underneath express campaigns.
  5. Cannot apply for any objects using DCM internal redirect tags in the Tracking URL Template field. If you have any objects with these fields, follow this process to add and manually maintain tracking for those objects. You can use Auto-Append for any other objects in the account that do not use the DCM internal redirect tags.
  6. Not using the Final URL Suffix field on keywords or sitelinks
  7. Not using tracking URL templates with {lpurl} on any level of the account

If ads meet these requirements and there are still tracking errors, please manually append tracking using these instructions.

The Final URL Suffix field will be modified at these levels:

1. Account Level
Rockerbox parameters will be added to support object types that don't have a Final URL Suffix field (some "smart" campaigns that were migrated from Google Express) and some campaign types that are not accessible via the Google API (video campaigns).

2. Campaign Level
Rockerbox parameters will be added. Any UTMs or custom parameters from the account level will also be appended to ensure that no tracking is lost when campaigns are no longer inheriting the Final URL Suffix value from the account level.

3. Ad Group Level
Rockerbox parameters will be added only if there are other parameters in place already. This is to ensure that Rockerbox parameters don't override custom UTMs that might be in place on a higher level in the account. As with the campaign level, if parameters are added, they will include any custom account level UTMs as well. If all custom parameters are removed from an ad set that previously contained some, the Rockerbox parameters will also be removed at the next scheduled auto-append run.