Structure of Marketing Activity


Marketing Hierarchy groups all of your media events into a categorized structure that will be displayed in the UI and in your reports -


In order to build the hierarchy, bucketing rules are being defined for each marketing group. Each rule will contain:

  1. 5 buckets - Each bucket represents a tier within the hierarchy of the media group
  2. Condition - media event identifier

Bucketing rules

  • Hierarchy structure is automatically being created by Rockerbox default bucket rules
  • Each bucket represents a tier in the media hierarchy
  • Each bucket is being filed with a query parameter (i.e. UTM_medium,g_campaign,fb_adset, etc.) or a hardcoded name
  • Each rule contains a key that will identify its media events
  • If the macro does not exist in the relevant URL the bucket will be displayed empty

Paid channel mappings

  • Paid channels will be mapped to their relevant spend report by using one of the channel 5 buckets
  • In order to enable a spend matching to the most granular level, the last bucket will contain an object ID that will match 1:1 or 1:n (one to many) to the prior bucket.
  • Additional Information regarding the use of query parameters and mapping spend data can be found here

Common Structures

Paid channels -
Paid channel rules will be defined using Rockerbox platform query parameters

Bucket 1Bucket 2Bucket 3Bucket 4Bucket 5
Hierarcy Structure ChannelPlatformCampaign NameAd GroupAd Group ID
Rule Example Paid Socialfacebook - instagram{fb_campaign}{fb_adset}{fb_adsetid}


  • Media event URL

πŸ“˜ utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=prospecting_xyz& fb_campaign=prospecting&fb_campaignid=6104588031134&fb_adset=newengen& fb_adsetid=c:23842635951&fb_ad=Carousel_PDP&fb_adid=a:6119253707534

  • Media event hierarchy

Non-paid channels -
Non-paid channel rules will be defined using UTM parameters

Bucket 1Bucket 2Bucket 3Bucket 4Bucket 5
Hierarchy Structure ChannelPlatformCampaign NameContent
Rule ExampleEmail{UTM_Source}{UTM_campaign}{UTM_content}


  • Media event URL

πŸ“˜ utm_source=bouncex&utmmedium=Email&utm_campaign=peoplebasedmarketing& utm_content=email_sessionrecap_pros_2

  • Media event hierarchy