Schema: Data Warehouse - Platform Performance - Bing

1advertiserRockerbox Account IDstr
2typeThe dataset type (e.g., platform_data)str
3platformThe name of the ad platform (e.g., Adwords)str
4reportThe name of the dataset (e.g., platform_performance_adwords)str
5identifierThe unique identifier of the account in the advertising platformstr
6dateThe date that the action occureddate
7utc_hourThe UTC hour that the action occuredint
8tier_1Marketing channel categorization level 1str
9tier_2Marketing channel categorization level 2str
10tier_3Marketing channel categorization level 3str
11tier_4Marketing channel categorization level 4str
12tier_5Marketing channel categorization level 5str
13mta_tiers_join_keyThe unique identifier used to pull spend from an advertisting platform. This is typically the ad_id, but may differ based on your account setupstr
14campaign_nameThe campaign namestr
15campaign_idThe Microsoft Advertising assigned unique identifier of a campaignstr
16ad_group_nameThe ad group namestr
17ad_group_idThe Microsoft Advertising assigned unique identifier of an ad groupstr
18ad_titleThe ad titlestr
19ad_idThe Microsoft Advertising assigned unique identifier of an adstr
20spendThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule in the ad platform account's local currencyfloat
21currency_codeThe local currency of your account in the ad platform (e.g., EUR, USD)str
22spend_usdThe estimated total amount of money you've spent on your campaign, ad set or ad during its schedule in USD.float
23clicksThe number of clicks on an adint
24impressionsThe number of times an ad has been displayed on search results pagesint
25conversionsThe number of conversions. ConversionsQualified is the count of conversions across all conversion goals with the ExcludeFromBiddingProperty set to false. AllConversionsQualified is the count of conversions across all conversion goals regardless of the ExcludeFromBidding setting. ViewThroughConversionsQualified is the count of view-through conversions across all conversion goals.dict
26rb_sync_idIdentifier used by Rockerbox to sync dataset to your warehousestr