Financial Forecasting & Budgeting with Rockerbox

As marketing teams move to leveraging de-duplicated CPA/ROAS from Rockerbox to optimize performance and re-set CPA/ROAS targets on an ongoing basis,opportunity to re-align with the financial forecasting and budgeting that is typically done on a more infrequent basis. Especially when this lives with a separate finance or operations team.

We’ve seen firsthand across leading DTCs the unlock this can provide in better aligning teams and ensuring optimal budget allocation per channel, throughout the funnel.

Regardless of if you do top-down or bottoms-up budgeting, and how you view the role of organic and branding channels, there are a variety of approaches for making this transition.

Of course, don’t hesitate to reach out to your Rockerbox alias with any questions.

  1. Planning and budgeting against baseline performance: How to leverage Rockerbox to determine baseline performance and set performance targets - ensuring you are maximizing your existing channels and can effectively measure performance against new channel tests

  2. When to use multipliers when leveraging Rockerbox for financial forecasting & budgeting: using multipliers in your forecasting & budgeting process will be particularly important if you are currently:

  • Spending against a channel that is a walled-garden
  • Spending against branding or offline channels that may have a halo effect on demand-driven channels
  1. How to derive multipliers for walled gardens: how to understand the full impact of a channel for platforms where Rockerbox tracking is limited (ex click only)

  2. How to quantify an increase in branding spend on demand-driven channels