Direct Mail: Setup

End-to-End Setup Guide for Direct Mail

This page will take you through setting up Direct Mail in Rockerbox.

Rockerbox Direct Mail includes attribution from your Direct Mail partners in your users' path to conversion. We achieve this by performing an address matchback between:

  • files your Direct Mail partner sends to Rockerbox
  • address data you pass to Rockerbox in a [Conversion Events](doc:conversions-1)

Rockerbox built Integrations with many Direct Mail partners, enabling you to quickly and easily onboard them into the system. If you work with a partner that is not featured in our standard integrations, follow our process for Onboarding New Direct Mail Partners.


Direct Mail Supported in US Only

Step 1: Send Address Data to Rockerbox

To set up Direct Mail in Rockerbox, you must include address data in the Conversion event(s) for which you want to include Direct Mail. Review how to Send Address Data to Rockerbox.

Step 2: Enable the Direct Mail Integration

Go to the Rockerbox Integrations page and Enable the direct mail partner you work with.

If the partner you work with is not a standard integration, then complete the steps to Onboard New Direct Mail Partners.

Repeat this process for each Direct Mail partner.

Step 3: Select the Conversion Event

Since Direct Mail uses an address matchback, it can only applied to conversion events that include address. You will need to identify which conversions are eligible to use for Direct Mail.

Go to the setup page for the Direct Mail partner and select the conversion event that you want to apply Direct Mail. This is most commonly your main Purchase event.

If you have a custom Direct Mail setup, contact your Rockerbox team to enable the correct conversion for you.



Applying to Multiple Conversions

It is possible to apply Direct Mail to multiple conversion events, but each event must include address data.

If you have more than one conversion event with address data and you want Direct Mail applied to each, then select them all in the screen above.