Deleting, Pausing, and Reactivating Scheduled Reports

After you've scheduled a report, you can later Delete, Pause, and Reactivate reports.


Delete a Scheduled Report

If you don't want Rockerbox to deliver a scheduled report anymore and no longer plan on using the report, you can Delete it.

  • Go to Analytics > Exports and select Scheduled Exports
  • Find the report you want to delete. Click the red trash can icon on the right-hand side.

Pause a Scheduled Report

If you temporarily don't want to receive a scheduled report, but may want to have the report scheduled again in the future, you can instead Pause a report.

  • Go to Analytics > Exports and select Scheduled Exports
  • Find the report you want to pause. Click the Pause symbol under Active, and then Deactivate.

Reactivate a Paused Scheduled Report

If you have a paused report, you can Reactivate the report.

  • Go to Analytics > Exports and select Scheduled Exports
  • Find the report you want to reactivate. Click the Play symbol under Active, and then Deactivate.