Using DCM Tags

Trafficking DCM tags into a buying platform such as a DSP requires additional setup. At a high-level:

  1. Impression-tracking Pixels: treat as normal. Implement within the buying platform (and not DCM)
  2. URL Parameters: requires additional setup.

The URL parameters will need adjustments in two places within DCM:

  • add the parameters as Additional Key Value Fields
  • add a passthrough on the Landing Page URL

Impression-Tracking Pixels

  • With the exception of GDN, if the buying platform supports impression-tracking pixels, implement those as normal in the buying platform. Do not traffic them in DCM, as the necessary macros will not fill in correctly.
  • For GDN, implement the GDN impression-tracking pixels within DCM. You will need to manually associate the Google ad group ID for each DCM ad. Refer to the Google Display Network (GDN) for further details.

URL Parameters

For URL parameters across all platforms, please reach out to your Rockerbox team to help you setup tracking. Rockerbox will provide dedicated DCM instructions that will vary depending on the trafficking platform (The Trade Desk, MediaMath, etc.) you are using.