Tracking Parameters

Append the click-through URL parameters to your landing page URLs.

Your URLs should follow the structure guidelines available here.

URL Parameters

Impression Tracking Pixel


Reddit Self Serve Customers

If you are a Rockerbox customer looking to set up tracking and do not have a contact at Reddit please email [email protected] for assistance.

Batch Spend Report

For Rockerbox to report on Reddit spend, you will need to deliver a standard spend report to Rockerbox. To do so, you will:

  • Turn on Reddit integration in Rockerbox
  • Contact your Reddit account manager to send the report manually via email once per week
  1. Go to Settings > Integrations, find Reddit, and click Enable Integration. Wait a few moments after enabling. Under Data Setup, you will need to retrieve your email endpoint to share with your account manager.

  2. Contact your Reddit account manager and ask them to send a spend file once a week, as a CSV, to the endpoint you retrieved from the integrations page.

The Rockerbox Spend report must include the following columns:


Spend Report Columns

Amount Spent
Campaign Name
Campaign Id
Ad Group Name
Adgroup Id
Ad Name
Ad Id


File requirements to share with your Account Manager

  • Spend report must meet formatting requirements listed here
  • File must be sent as a csv
  • Only include the email alias in the "To" field of the email - all other emails must be moved to "cc"
  • They must send a new email each week - they cannot just reply all to an existing email chain