Marketing Sources


Marketing Sources shows you the impact of Rockerbox marketing tracking.
Rockerbox includes many different methodologies to incorporate all your marketing. By incorporating all your marketing in one consolidated view, you're able to make more informed decisions about the channels and campaigns you're running.

Traditional marketing attribution is typically limited to tracking site visitors. This greatly understates the impact of many marketing channels, especially upper funnel channels and those that don't generate click activity. Marketing Sources highlights just how much of an impact including all marketing has on your marketing performance.


Info Cards

The Info Cards at the top of the page list out three metrics that compare the impact of Rockerbox as compared to attribution that is limited to site visitors. For all three metrics, the larger the number, the more Rockerbox is informing you about your converters.

  • Reduction in Direct. This is the percent reduction in conversions attributed to Direct.
  • Increase in Attributed Conversions. This is the percent increase in conversions with any attribution data.
  • Conversions with Additional Touchpoints. This is the percent increase in conversions that have additional marketing touchpoints due to one or more Enhanced tracking methods.


Enhanced Tracking

Enhanced Tracking methods are those Rockerbox uses beyond traditional click-based tracking. See the table below for the full scope of all tracking methods that fall under Enhanced Tracking.

Distribution of Tracked Conversions

This section breaks down your total conversions into one of four mutually exclusive buckets:

  • Direct. Conversions with no marketing attribution.
  • Links and Clicks. Conversions where all marketing attribution is driven by site visits.
  • Enhanced Tracking Only. Conversions where all marketing attribution is driven by non-site visits, such as postlogs, address matchback, or impression-tracking pixels.
  • Links/Clicks and Enhanced Tracking. Conversions that have a combination of both site visits and non-site visit attribution.

The total of all four rows will equal the number of conversions for the period.

Marketing Source Summary

This table details the number of conversions that uses each of the marketing sources listed in the table.

Each of these rows is not mutually exclusive. If a conversion has more than one marketing source, then it will count once for each type of marketing.

Rows highlighted in green are categories that are considered Enhanced Tracking. These include all categories except Links and Clicks and Direct. This highlights marketing that click-based methodologies do not support.

ColumnDescriptionEnhanced Tracking
Links and ClicksTracked when the user visits a brand's website, either through a click, vanity URL, or entering in a URLNo
Digital ViewsTracked via impression-tracking pixel. Most common for display and video.Yes
Direct Mail MatchbackTracked by comparing a converter's address with the address from a direct mail vendor file.Yes
Linear ViewsTracked via linear postlog ; for TV.Yes
Streaming ViewsTracked at the OTT impression-level, either through pixel or batch file.Yes
SyntheticA marketing event created by Rockerbox not through direct observation.Yes
Survey ResponseMarketing event created from a Survey touchpoint.Yes
Promo CodesTracked by user-entry of a Promo Codes at the time of Conversion.Yes
External MarketingThis includes Marketing that's sent to us from a third-party. For example, MMPs send to Rockerbox marketing attribution, which Rockerbox includes as one of many touchpoints on the Path to Conversion.Yes
OtherA marketing event that is not tracked via one of the above marketing sources.Yes
DirectA conversion with no marketing touchpoints.No