Tracking Parameters

Append the click-through URL parameters to your landing page URLs. These parameter values use macros and do not need to be manually replaced--their values will be dynamically filled by the platform when the ad is served.

Your URLs should follow the structure guidelines available here.

URL Parameters

Impression Tracking Pixel

Batch Spend


Report Delivery Requirements

All spend reports must align with the requirements listed here.

Enable the integration here in the UI

An email endpoint will then populate here under Settings > Batch.

Send weekly spend reports to the email endpoint with the following columns. The columns must be exactly as listed below, including spacing & capitalization:

  • day
  • website_id
  • website
  • ad_id
  • ad
  • insertion_id
  • insertion
  • creative_id
  • creative
  • turnover_converted_usd

Each weekly report should only contain the previous 7 days worth of data.