URL Parameters

Use standard UTM tracking parameters:

  • utm_source = rakuten or utm_medium = rakuten
  • utm_campaign
  • utm_term
  • include Rakuten's ranEAID parameter

Batch Spend Report

For Rockerbox to report on Rakuten spend, you will need to deliver a standard spend report to Rockerbox. To do so, you will:

  • Setup a spend report through your platform
  • In Rakuten, go to Reports > Reporting, Build a New Report, and Schedule it via SFTP
  • Schedule a Daily report

Delivery Instructions for SFTP:

  1. Authenticate to the Rockerbox SFTP server

  2. Upload data to the /files directory listed on the server once authenticated:
    Connected to sftp.getrockerbox.com.
    sftp> ls

Please note:
*Spend does not include % sales


In the report setup - Uncheck Include Summary


Report Table Fields

Transaction Date
Publisher ID
Publisher Name
Total Commission
Publisher Encrypted ID