Attribution Windows ("Lookback Window")

Rockerbox applies the following attribution windows:

  • 220 days for all deterministic channels (this covers the majority of channels; includes Search, Social, Affiliate, Email, and so on)
  • 14 days for linear TV, which uses a probabilistic methodology
  • 7 days for OTT, which also uses a probabilistic methodology

All marketing touchpoints that fall within that window from the point of conversion are included in a user's path to conversion.

For example:

  • If a user engages with a Facebook ad today and then converts 200 days from now, that Facebook marketing touchpoint will be included in the user's path to conversion.
  • Similarly, if a user engages with a Google ad today and converts 300 days from now, that Google ad marketing event is not a part of the user's path to conversion.

We do not believe in artificially limiting the lookback window, but rather letting all marketing touchpoints be factored in, and then their impact being determined based on the weight of each touchpoint in the multi-touch attribution model.

This is a different approach than what exists in the social platforms or DSPs, which enable you to limit the lookback window (and apply different lookback windows to view vs click based activity).

Marketing Event to Session Limits

For OTT and Linear, we also impose a limit on eligible marketing events based on the time between the ad and web session.

  • OTT: defaults to 300 minutes
  • TV: 5 minutes

We enforce these limitations to prevent over-attribution due to the probabilistic nature of both attribution methods.