Facebook Pixels & Events

What are Facebook Pixels and Events?

If you are running ads on Facebook, you likely already have the Facebook pixel on your website. The Facebook pixel allows you to track various actions people take on your website and track them as conversions. These conversions can be used to pull reports in Facebook Analytics or Ads Manager. You can read more about Facebook Conversion Tracking here.

How does Rockerbox use Facebook Conversion Tracking?

Rockerbox leverages your Facebook conversion tracking data to construct synthetic marketing events.

Specifically, we use Facebook's reporting for the following conversion types:
ViewContent - users who view a product or other content on your website after seeing an ad
Purchase - users who convert or make a purchase after seeing an ad

What is required by Rockerbox?

In order for Rockerbox Synthetic events to work correctly, we need the following to be set up on your website:

  1. A Facebook pixel should be placed on all of your pages, with a PageView event firing each time.
  2. A Facebook ViewContent event should be fired on your website on all relevant pages.
  3. A Facebook Purchase event should be fired whenever a user converts or makes a purchase.

What do I need to set up?

Step 1 - Base Pixel Setup: Set up the default Facebook Pixel. If you need help, refer to the Manually add pixel code to website section in this guide.

Step 2 - Conversion Events Setup: After you add the pixel base code to your website you need to set events that will measure the ViewContent and Purchase actions. These actions count as standard events as part of conversion tracking. Setting up these events can be done either manually (recommended) or by using the Facebook Event Setup Tool (not recommended).


Ensure your conversions match

The Purchase conversion you track in Facebook should correspond to the primary conversion that you are tracking Rockerbox.

What’s Next

Unable to use the standard ViewContent and Purchase events? You can also create your own events and define them as conversions.