How to normalize in-platform reporting pre-Rockerbox

Normalizing reporting to a period when you were using Rockerbox to a time when you were not yet leveraging Rockerbox is simple.

You might want to normalize pre-Rockerbox data if you onboarded Rockerbox this year, and are looking to standardize year-end reporting.

Steps are below for calculating de-duplicated performance metrics pre-Rockerbox:

  1. Pulling the CPA or ROAS (whichever is your primary KPI) from Rockerbox over a given date range. You can do this either:
  • In the Rockerbox UI, under Analytics > Report
  • With reporting, by pulling a Buckets Breakdown report
  • With Rockerbox data in your date warehouse


How to choose a date range

Ideally, you will compare an in-Rockerbox time period to a comparable pre-Rockerbox time period. This means:

  • a similar marketing mix was in place
  • seasonal changes in performance are accounted for (ex you might not compare holiday time period to a summer month if you know performance differs during this time.
  1. Pulling the CPA or ROAS from a comparable pre-Rockerbox date range. Your metric might be from in-platform (ex Facebook), Google Analytics, or an in-house attribution model.

  2. Plugging the above metrics into the formula below, to calculate the approximate de-duplicated performance for a channel, vendor, or tactic when Rockerbox reporting is not available.