Phone Calls: Other

Rockerbox is able to track inbound and outbound call center data - to enable you to quantify the impact of your call center in driving conversions.

If you do not utilize a call center vendor that Rockerbox has an existing integration with ( See Phone Calls: Invoca or Phone Calls: CallRail ) you can provide us call center data via batch file.

Batch file requirements

Required fieldNotes
External ID/EmailThis must match the persistent ID you are providing in your purchase event
Timestamp of callThis timestamp should be before the purchase timestamp
Unique ID (i.e. Call ID)This is a unique identifier against each call
Marketing touchpoint data (if available)If you have unique phone numbers for different marketing channels i.e. Facebook, Google - we can include those touchpoints along the user path if you include this field

Note: If you have multiple fields available for a marketing touchpoint i.e. channel + campaign name you can send us multiple columns

File detailsNotes
Supported file typescsv, tsv, xlsx
CadenceDaily (only one file should be sent per day), with no duplicates
File naming

Sending call center files to Rockerbox

You can send your call center files to Rockerbox via SFTP, S3, or Email

See Sending Files to Rockerbox for more detail.