Launching New Channels and Partners

Checklist for implementation of Rockerbox tracking before launching new channels and Partners

In order to ensure you’re able to see your full marketing performance and path to conversion in Rockerbox, it’s critical that we continue to track all marketing activity

There’s high risk that you will miss capturing this activity and not be able to attribute conversions back if channels or partners are launched without correct tracking and mapping in place

Here’s a quick checklist to run through before you launch a new channel or partners:

1- Check Rockerbox Tracking

Does the new partner have predetermined parameters in our Platform List? If so, then those parameters should be implemented to ensure proper tracking.

IF we don’t have an integration listed, please email your Rockerbox team and we’ll start the process of scoping and prioritizing the integration with the new partner.

2- Add Tracking

Rockerbox Parameters for Clickthrough URLs: can be found here

Impression Tracking Pixels: can be found within the UI here

For partners without an integration listed, UTM parameters should be applied.

3- Define Mapping

Alert your Rockerbox team of the new channel launch and determine how you want this new channel or partner to be mapped in your existing marketing structure (Tiers 1-5)

4- Add Spend

If the partner already has a spend API integration, then you can turn on their spend ingestion within the UI here.

If they aren't on that list, then Rockerbox does not have an API integration with that partner. The partner will need to setup Batch Spend.

For a complete list of Rockerbox integrations (both batch and API) see the Integrations Page in the UI and click "Add Integration."