Marketing Performance Report (Buckets Breakdown)

What does this report show?

  • The Marketing Performance (Buckets Breakdown) report enables you to calculate weighted CPA/ROAS against marketing placements for new and existing users.
  • For a given time frame, it shows all marketing spend and conversions mapped back to each marketing placement
  • The data in this report mirrors the view you see in the Analytics -> Reports view in the platform

When to use this report

This report should be leveraged for enhanced analysis and reporting outside of the Analytics -> Reports view.

Examples of when to use this report:

  • Layering Rockerbox data into your weekly/monthly/quarterly performance reports
  • Comparing New vs. Repeat customer performance
  • Comparing performance by Tactic or Audience

Primary Use Cases

The primary use cases for leveraging the Buckets Breakdown include:

1. CPA/ROAS at the channel and placement level

2. New vs. Repeat user CPA/ROAS

3. Comparing CPA/ROAS by attribution type

Report schema and Definitions

See here for schema and associated definitions


Commonly asked questions on Buckets Breakdown schema

1) What do the values starting with NTF mean?

NTF stands for "New to File" - this represents all conversions and revenue from New Customers Only

2) Which conversion/revenue values have the multi-touch model applied?

The "normalized" values are your conversion & revenue values with the MTA model applied

How to leverage the Buckets Breakdown Report

When using the Buckets Breakdown report - you will need to utilize a Pivot table along with custom fields to create the view best suited to answer your priority questions.

If you optimize to a CPA goal

If you optimize primarily to a CPA goal, you will want to include custom fields in your pivot table to calculate CPA by attribution type and customer type (new vs. repeat).


Calculations to leverage for CPA

These can be copied and pasted directly into your google sheet/excel doc.

First touch: =if(first_touch=0,0,(spend)/(first_touch))

Last touch: =if(last_touch=0,0,(spend)/(last_touch))

Even weight: =if(even=0,0,(spend)/(even))

MTA/Normalized: =if(normalized=0,0,(spend)/(normalized))

New customers (normalized): =if(ntf_normalized=0,0,(spend)/(ntf_normalized))

Returning customers (normalized): =if(normalized-ntf_normalized = 0,0,(spend)/(normalized-ntf_normalized))

If you optimize to a ROAS goal

If you optimize primarily to a ROAS goal, you will want to include custom fields in your pivot table to calculate ROAS by attribution type and customer type (new vs. repeat).


Calculations to leverage for ROAS

First touch: =if(spend=0,0,revenue_first_touch/spend)

Last touch: =if(spend=0,0,revenue_last_touch/spend)

Even weight: =if(spend=0,0,revenue_even/spend)

MTA/Normalized: =if(spend=0,0,revenue_normalized/spend)

Returning customers (normalized): =if(spend=0,0,(revenue_normalized - ntf_revenue_normalized)/spend)

New customers (normalized): =if(spend=0,0,ntf_revenue_normalized/spend)

See Buckets Breakdown - Primary Use Cases for step-by-step instructions for specific use cases.