Standard Conversion Data Formats

external_idThis user ID should be a true unique first-party identifier that persists across sessions

Note: even if "email" is the value you use as a primary first-party identifier, do not pass that as "external_id". Instead, use the "email" field (see below).
This should match the customers IDs used in your first party reporting
order_idUnique identifier for the orderThis should match the order IDs used in your first party reporting
revenueRevenue included in the pixel should match the revenue you consider for the conversion. If you use subtotal revenue internally, you need to send Rockerbox subtotal as revenuedollars.cents
101.09 for an order of $109.09

10500.49 for an order of $10,500.49
emaile-mail addressHashed or unhashed
couponPromo code applied to the orderThe value should be formatted as a string and contain only the promo code. This may require you to select a value inside the JSON object for promo codes if you use a solution like Shopify.
productsProducts included in the orderThe value for products should be formatted as a json string.
addressBilling addressSee:

for address details
phone_numberPhone number10 digits, no formatting, unhashed
