Google Display Network (GDN)

Rockerbox uses Adwords URL parameters to track clicks for GDN.

Additionally, pixels can be added to track GDN impressions. To use this process, you will need to use the base pixel below.


Discovery Campaigns

Note that impression tracking is not permitted by Adwords for Discovery campaigns.

Submit a Request to Google


In order to implement the pixels, you'll need to submit a request to Google.

Google requires that all requests are submitted with their own Excel file and the process described here.

This process will need to be repeated each time you launch new GDN ads.

Either follow the steps directly below, or create a pixel generation file to send to your Google rep.

  1. Append the string above to the end of the base pixel from the top of the page. Replace the entire bracketed portions, including the brackets themselves, with the appropriate values from your GDN ad groups and campaigns.
  2. Download Google's Excel template for a 1x1 pixel here
  3. Go to the second tab
  4. Input your ad group IDs in column C. Keep these values unique. Google will reject requests with duplicate values.
  5. Input your full impression tracking pixel (the pixel you put together in Step 1) for each ad group in column J.
  6. In cell A3, select Ad Group ID
  7. In cell B3, select equals
  8. Drag cells A3 and B3 down so these line items are populated for each ad group.

Create a Pixel Generation File


This is not needed if you've already followed the steps above and are using Google's template.

In order to implement the pixels, you'll need to submit a request to Google.

Google requires that all requests are submitted with their own Excel file format and the process described here.

Either follow the steps below with Google's Excel template, or create your own template in the If you have manually generated pixels, you do not need to complete these steps to create a pixel generation file.

  1. Create headers in Row 1 of your Excel or Google Drive file as below
Campaign IDAd Group IDYour Base PixelImpression Tracking Pixel
  1. Paste your base pixel code (provided by your Rockerbox contact) into the Your Base Pixel column in Row 2
  2. Paste the formula below into the Impression Tracking Pixel column in Row 2
  1. Paste all of your Ad Group IDs and their parent Campaign IDs in the first two columns. Keep these values unique. Google will reject any pixel implementation requests that contain duplicates.
  2. Drag down the Your Base Pixel and Impression Tracking Pixel columns. You should see the impression tracking pixels being generated for each row.