Reporting Schema

Below you can find the main schema and corresponding definitions for the two main Rockerbox reports:

Available Report Types

Available Columns

Primary Key Columns

Column NameDefinition
conversion_hash_idIdentifier per unique conversion (this is a hash of the conversion_key value)
event_idIdentifier per unique marketing touch point
base_idinternal identifier or an external identifier depending on segment setup (i.e. email, Segment anonymous ID, etc.)

Conversion Info Columns

Column NameDefinition
actionName of the conversion event
uidRockerbox unique User ID
new_to_file_keyUsed to identify a unique user (this is typically your provided User ID)
emailEmail address of the user
conversion_keyAn identifier used to denote a unique conversion event (this is typically your provided Order ID)
hash_ip_convHashed IP address of user when they converted
revenueRevenue associated with a given conversion
dateDate when the conversion occurred (in UTC)
timestamp_convTimestamp of when the conversion occurred (ISO 8601 format in UTC)
conversion_countNumber of conversions seen for that particular user
conversion_maxTimestamp of the most recent conversion seen by Rockerbox for that user
conversion_minTimestamp of the first conversion seen by Rockerbox for the user
new_to_fileAt the time of conversion, if Rockerbox has seen that user make a Purchase before, then new_to_file = 0. Otherwise, they are considered a new customer and new_to_file = 1.

Marketing Touchpoint Info Columns

Column NameDefinition
hash_ip_eventsHashed IP address of user for a particular marketing touchpoint
timestamp_eventsTimestamp of when the marketing touchpoint occurred (ISO 8601 format in UTC)
onsite_countTotal number of interactions (page views) on your website
total_eventsTotal number of marketing touchpoints leading up to the conversion
sequence_numberThe order of when this marketing touchpoint occurred (1 = first, 2 = second, etc.)
original_urlURL of the page where the marketing touchpoint occurred
request_referrerPage Referrer (the previous site where the user came from)
tier_1Marketing channel categorization level 1 (most broad).

For example, a link where referrer url = Google and utm_campaign = cpc may be mapped as tier_1 = Paid Search and tier_2 = Google
tier_2Marketing channel categorization level 2
tier_3Marketing channel categorization level 3
tier_4Marketing channel categorization level 4
tier_5Marketing channel categorization level 5 (most specific)
weightLikelihood of the user to convert, given that they interacted with this marketing touchpoint (based on model)
total_weightSum of weights of all marketing touchpoints that led to the conversion
normalizedCalculated by dividing weight by total_weight (this ensures that the sum of normalized weights of marketing touchpoints leading to a conversion will equal 1)
revenue_normalizedUsing the normalized weight, the portion of conversion revenue that is attributed to this marketing touchpoint
first_touchWill be 1 if this marketing touchpoint is the first interaction. Otherwise will be 0.
revenue_first_touchIf the marketing touchpoint is the first interaction, it will get full revenue credit. Otherwise will be 0.
last_touchWill be 1 if this marketing touchpoint is the last interaction. Otherwise will be 0
revenue_last_touchIf the marketing touchpoint is the last interaction, it will get full revenue credit. Otherwise will be 0.
evenFractional credit a marketing touchpoint receives if each touchpoint gets equal weight
revenue_evenUsing the even weight, the portion of conversion revenue that is attributed to this marketing touchpoint
matchesList of categorization rules that a touchpoint has matched with. The last rule in the list is applied.
onsite_countNumber of marketing events that Rockerbox sees for that user
onsite_maxTimestamp of the most recent event for the user
onsite_minTimestamp of the first event for the user
tier_1_lowerThe lowercase letters version of tier_1 that Rockerbox uses for mapping purpose
Values passed to Rockerbox on click URLs and impression tracking pixels. If tier_one through tier_five are blank, that means you're not passing us any of that data on click urls or impression-tracking pixels.

Since the MTA reports are log-level and detail each marketing and conversion event combination, conversion-level information will be duplicated. If you're ingesting this data, you need to account for that. For example, the revenue column is repeated for each marketing event. If you simply sum the revenue column for a given day, you will overcount.

Here's a sample representation of different revenue columns and how they would report out values for a single conversion.

Marketing Channelrevenuerevenue_first_touchrevenue_last_touchrevenue_evenrevenue_normalized
Paid Search10010002537
Paid Social100002531