Steelhouse / MNTN

Contact your Steelhouse representative to replace bracketed portions of the URL parameters with the appropriate macros. Append the URL parameters to your landing pages.

Your URLs should follow the structure guidelines available here.

Display URL Parameters

These pixel parameter values use macros and do not need to be manually replaced--their values will be dynamically filled by the platform when the ad is served.

Display Impression Tracking Pixel

OTT Impression Tracking Pixel


The following describes the MNTN macros and the corresponding objects.

  • ${cagid} > campaign group ID
  • ${cgid} > creative group ID, which is ad group ID in the spend reports
  • ${crid} > ad size ID

Batch Spend

Spend reports must be pulled manually from your MNTN account and sent on a weekly basis. Each report should contain the previous 7 days of data.


Report Delivery Requirements

All spend reports must align with the requirements listed here.


MNTN Report Types

There are two options for spend reports that you can pull from MNTN. You can pull reports that are either broken out by Campaign Group, or Creative Group.

The same report must be pulled each week.

The report chosen will depend on how you would like to see performance broken out in Rockerbox - either at the Campaign Group or Creative Group level.

Campaign Group: Required Columns

  • Campaign Group ID
  • Campaign Group Name
  • Date
  • Spend

Creative Group: Required Columns

  • Creative Group ID
  • Creative Group Name
  • Date
  • Spend

Once the report type is confirmed, contact your Rockerbox representative for an email endpoint.