How to Quantify the Impact of an increase in Branding spend on Demand driven channels

As you launch and test new branding channels, you can leverage Rockerbox to identify what impact these channels are having on your bottom-funnel, demand-driven channels.

This analysis can be completed as part of your budgeting & forecasting process or can be completed as a standalone snapshot.

Below we will walk you through two different analyses:

  1. What was the lift on our demand-driven channels when we increased spend and/or impressions against branded channels?

  2. How to generate a multiplier to be leveraged in channel line item forecasting


Identifying the timeframes to use for your analysis

A) If you have never run the channel before

  • Identify equal time frames when before the channel was live vs during (ideally taking the during from when then channel was ramped up/at full spend level)

B) If you have run the channel at varying spend levels:

  • Identify equal time frames when had lower vs higher spend on the channel

1. What was the lift on our demand-driven channels?

Questions to answer:

  • When we spend X on brand or when we run X impressions against brand, what is the known lift to start branded search and organic?

You can complete this analysis for a specific branding channel i.e. Linear TV or you can complete this across your branding channels as a whole - grouping all together.

Steps to complete:

  1. You must first choose your time frames. See above for best practices here.

  2. Identify how much spend changed between the control and test period for specific channel or branding as a whole

  3. Leverage the Customers -> Paths view in the UI or the Standard MTA report to identify the total number of conversions that had branded or organic search as a touchpoint during your control period

  4. Then identify the total number of conversions that had branded or organic search as a touchpoint during your test period (the time period in which you increased branding spend or launched new branding channel)

  5. Calculate the delta between Search touchpoints in the control period to test period

  6. Use this delta in combination with the change in spend to identify the resulting lift. i.e. for every 1 dollar spent we see a 1.5x lift in our demand-driven channels

See User Behavior view (Customers -> Paths) for more detail on how to leverage the Customers -> Paths view

2. How to generate a multiplier to be leveraged in channel line item forecasting

Questions to answer:

  • How can I use the determined lift from branding channels to generate a multiplier to be leveraged in channel line item forecasting?

You can complete this analysis for a specific branding channel i.e. Linear TV or you can complete this across your branding channels as a whole - grouping all together.

Steps to complete:

A) If you have never run the channel before:

  1. Identify timeframes to use (following the guidance above)

  2. Leverage Customers-> Paths or the Standard MTA report to calculate the % of touchpoints and conversions that came from each bottom-funnel channel during each time frame overall, AND the % of conversions from each bottom-funnel channel when the channel being analyzed was a touchpoint (for ex- % of conversions with Branded Search as a touchpoint that also had OTT)

  3. Use that % increase as a multiplier and apply that against the conversions in your forecast against the corresponding bottom-funnel channels

  4. This will result in the additional conversions to add to each bottom-funnel channel

B) If you have run the channel at varying spend levels:

1. Identify timeframes to use (following the guidance above)
  1. Leverage Customers-> Paths or the Standard MTA report to calculate the % of touchpoints and conversions that came from each bottom funnel channel during each time frame overall, AND the % of conversions from each bottom funnel channel when the channel being analyzed was a touchpoint (for ex- % of conversions with Branded Search as a touchpoint that also had OTT)

  2. Derive a ratio between that % increase in spend and % of touchpoints or conversions going to each bottom-funnel channel

  3. Apply that ratio as a multiplier against the conversions in your forecast against the corresponding bottom funnel channels

  4. This will result in the additional conversions to add to each bottom funnel channel