Deduplicating Events

Rockerbox will dedupe marketing events in cases where a user interacts with the same ad within a few minutes of each other. For example, if a user clicks on the same exact Search ad within a few minutes, Rockerbox will only count that as one distinct marketing event. This is to prevent over-attribution for accidental clicks.

We only dedupe two consecutive events when the marketing events have the same exact Tier structure. If they have different campaign or creative from each other, then Rockerbox will count both as distinct events.

In addition, if two identical events have another event that occurs between them, then we will count all three events.

Example 1: Two Events with the Same Tiers

  • Event 1 for Campaign X
  • Event 2 for Campaign X

Assuming both events occur within minutes of each, then Rockerbox will only attribute Event 1.

Example 2: Two Events with Different Tiers

  • Event 1 for Campaign X
  • Event 2 for Campaign Y

Rockerbox will attribute both Event 1 and Event 2.

Example 3: Three Events, Two with the Same Tiers

  • Event 1 for Campaign X
  • Event 2 for Campaign Y
  • Event 3 for Campaign X

Rockerbox will attribute all three Events.