Data Sources


On this page, you can view data captured from the different pixels. In the example below, you can view what the On-site Pixel and Creative Pixel captures.


Clicking on the "View" button will bring you to another page with additional information. For example, clicking "View" next to On-site Pixel will bring you to a page with raw pixel counts from each of the different action types.

Note: as this is raw pixel counts, it does not take into account any deduplication Rockerbox performs on the conversions.


Authenticate Google Analytics

If you have not yet authenticated your Google Analytics (GA) and your dashboard looks like the below screenshot, you can follow these steps to authenticate GA.

First, toggle the switch "on" next to Google Analytics. You'll be prompted to "Choose an account" or sign into another Gmail account β€” see below:

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Then, you'll grant access to Rockerbox. This enables you to authenticate access so you can view data from Google Analytics vs. Rockerbox.


At this point, back on the "Data Sources" page in the Rockerbox dashboard, you will use the dropdown to select the relevant Account and then most specific Property level.


Once those two sections are chosen, a third dropdown will appear. Again, select the domain/ property that is most relevant and specific to the lowest funnel conversion event.

Rockerbox vs. Google Analytics

You can also view a comparison between the data from Rockerbox and Google Analytics by clicking the View button to the right of Google Analytics.


If you do not have a Comparison, you will need to set that up first. You can set up more than one Comparison*.**


Waiting 24 Hours GA Authentication

If you only just authenticated access to GA, you will need to wait for the first GA data ingestion to occur before setting up your first Comparison. This is usually within 24 hours of you first authenticating.

To create a GA Comparison, click the Create button and follow the prompts to enter in the Rockerbox Conversion along with the GA Column that you want to compare against.


If you already have Comparisons setup, then once you click "View," you'll be able to see the following:


A normal discrepancy is within 10%.

Historical Purchase Data


By clicking "View" in the above, you'll be able to see a breakdown of New to File vs. Returning (Existing) customers by date. Example below: